Principal Architect: Gloryrose Dy-Metilla ,Mary Catherine Diaz and El Vim Cabazares
Project Stage: Proposed in an International Architecture Design Competition
Site Area: 14, 177 sq.m
Project cost: 10,000,000


The proposal is a model that interlinks three parks in San Pedro St., Davao City namely Quezon Park, Rizal Park, and Osmeña Park. These three parks has a total of 14, 177 sq.m. The three parks are set side by side at the heart of the city, in between the city’s landmarks such as the City Hall, Provincial Hall, and the San Pedro

The Parks are currently use by different individuals for outdoor massage. It is also a place for people to wait for their applications from the City hall. It is also a place for sleeping, loitering and even performing during fiestas.

Street stores are located all round the area but since Davao City has a city ordinance that does not allow smoking, the people around are not allowed to smoke.

The area is perfect for people of Davao City in all ages to rekindle being children because it is very accessible for all. It is somehow known as a park but it is not known as an interactive park where in people can exercise and have a healthy life style.

When we were conceptualizing what to do with the park, we realize that the best way to make this already busy park into an even busier one but with the context of a healthily lifestyle, we decided to use the concept of the board game.

The board game is a very vital model for exercising sensory and cognitive. Adding a more physical element to it by making a giant board game, will provide both cognitive and kinesthetic activity.

With the use of a board game model, we divided the park into three levels based on the intensity of activities such as Light Intensity Activities, Moderate Intensity Activities and Vigorous Intensity Activities. These three levels will be assigned to each park and will be translated to seventeen stations that represent each kind of activity.

To make this concept modular and implementable in different kinds of conditions, we decided to provide temporal element designs such that it is changeable according to the seasons. We decided to put modular installation that can be changed to four kinds of forms. All these installations have QR codes that will provide text info/clues to games.